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Smart Property Solutions

Smart Property Solutions helps first time home buyers make informed real estate decisions at competitive prices.

real estate
Product Type
Inability of first time property buyers to understand their options and possible hazards when entering the real estate market.
Market Size & User Personas
The real estate market size varies from country to country but globally it is estimated to be worth over $3 trillion. User personas are first time home buyers who are looking for a comprehensive real estate package.
Smart Property Solutions is a physical product that provides first time home buyers with a comprehensive package of services. The package includes advice on matters such as legal advice, selecting the right property, negotiating the best deal, taxation laws, etc.
MVP Features
Implementation Details
Value Proposition
Smart Property Solutions will provide first time home buyers with a comprehensive package of services at reasonable prices, which will enable them to make informed decisions regarding their real estate investment.
Pain Points to Solve
Smart Property Solutions will provide complete and accurate information to first time home buyers to help them make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls when buying property.
Sales & Marketing Channels
Smart Property Solutions will be distributed through selected real estate agents, online vendors and direct mail campaigns.
Revenue Stream Sources
Revenue for Smart Property Solutions will come through the sale of the package (one-time purchase) and subscription services (monthly or yearly charges).
Cost Structures
Costs will include personnel, marketing, legal expenses, product development, etc.
Key Activities
Research and development, packaging, sales and marketing, customer service.
Key Resources
HR and technical resources, cashflow and profitability.
Key Partners
Real estate agents, legal advisors, banks and financial institutions.
Competition Landscape
Smart Property Solutions will face competition from other similar services as well as existing real estate agents and lawyers who offer similar services.
Competition Advantage
Smart Property Solutions will provide a comprehensive package of services to first time home buyers at competitive prices and with top-notch customer service.
Idea Validation Steps
Research and survey potential customers, pilot launches, customer feedback to refine the value proposition and pricing.
Potential Business Challenges
Inability to compete with established real estate agents and lawyers, customer acquisition and retention, dealing with changes in regulation.