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SmartDoc: Intelligent Legal Automation Tool

SmartDoc: Legal Automation Software Suite, Powered By AI and Natural Language Processing.

Product Type
The legal industry is highly inefficient, costly and time-consuming in many aspects such as conducting legal research and finding solutions to legal issues.
Market Size & User Personas
Technology-savvy lawyers who want to automate their legal workflow to increase productivity and efficiency. The legal industry is poised to reach $620 billion in 2020.
SmartDoc is a legal automation software suite, powered by artificial intelligence and natural language processing. It enables users to automate their legal processes, such as legal research, document analysis and more. SmartDoc also helps lawyers track their progress and helps them quickly find solutions to legal issues.
MVP Features
Implementation Details
Value Proposition
SmartDoc is a powerful legal automation suite that helps lawyers to be more efficient, accurate and cost-effective. It enables users to quickly identify the most relevant legal solutions for their problems and makes the process of legal research seamless and hassle-free.
Pain Points to Solve
Time-consuming legal research and cumbersome document analysis for lawyers. Inefficient communication across legal teams. Lack of workflow automation.
Sales & Marketing Channels
Law firms, legal networks, digital ads, word-of-mouth, legal conferences, and legal services directories.
Revenue Stream Sources
Subscription fee, consulting fees and service fees.
Cost Structures
Software Licensing fees, research fees, development costs, maintenance costs and personnel costs.
Key Activities
Develop legal automation tools, provide legal research services, provide customer support and training.
Key Resources
Software engineers and legal experts, training resources and legal database.
Key Partners
Law firms and legal service providers.
Competition Landscape
There are many legal automation tools in the market such as LawGeex and Y Combinator's Clara.
Competition Advantage
SmartDoc has the advantage of being more powerful and cost-effective than existing legal automation tools.
Idea Validation Steps
Conduct a market analysis to assess the interest of legal services providers in using legal automation tools. Develop a prototype and launch a pilot program. Gather customer feedback and make necessary improvements.
Potential Business Challenges
High competition in the legal automation space and resistance to change among legal stakeholders.