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Service Greeter App

Service Greeter App will be the first mobile application that focuses exclusively on the hospitality industry, enabling industry personnel to conveniently and quickly enhance customer service experiences.

Product Type
Hospitality industry employees often lack the time and resources to properly provide excellent customer service.
Market Size & User Personas
The target user group includes professional and amateur hospitality industry personnel ranging from front-desk staff, bartenders, waiters, and housekeeping staff. The target user group is estimated to comprise of more than 10 million people globally.
Service Greeter App, a mobile application that enables hospitality industry personnel to conveniently and quickly provide exceptional customer service.
MVP Features
The app will include features such as a customer request alert, a user-friendly interface, and data tracking.
Implementation Details
The app will be developed for both Android and iOS devices, programmed in Java and Swift respectively.
Value Proposition
Service Greeter App will provide hospitality industry personnel with an intuitive, comprehensive, and hassle-free customer service experience.
Pain Points to Solve
Reduce stress of hospitality industry employees, increase customer satisfaction, and improve customer service efficiency.
Sales & Marketing Channels
Sales and marketing will take place through online and offline channels such as email and social media campaigns, trade shows and client visits, and partnerships with hospitality industry suppliers.
Revenue Stream Sources
The app will have a subscription-based revenue model, with the potential to generate revenue from in-app purchases and advertising.
Cost Structures
The cost structure will include development and maintenance costs of the app as well as salaries of the developers and other personnel.
Key Activities
Online and offline marketing, customer service and technical support, and product development.
Key Resources
Programmers, designers, customer support personnel, and managers.
Key Partners
Partnerships with hospitality industry suppliers.
Competition Landscape
Competition will include existing customer service software and mobile applications focused on the hospitality industry.
Competition Advantage
Service Greeter App will be the first mobile application that focuses exclusively on the hospitality industry and offers comprehensive customer service features.
Idea Validation Steps
Customers needs and preferences surveys, focus groups interviews with hospitality industry personnel, and testing the prototype of the app.
Potential Business Challenges
Attracting users, scalability and staying ahead of the competition.