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Smart Concrete Mixer

Smart Concrete Mixer provides construction site managers with an accurate and efficient way to mix concrete onsite.

Product Type
Construction sites have difficulty accurately mixing concrete onsite, leading to costly wastage and inefficiencies.
Market Size & User Personas
The global construction industry is estimated to be worth around $10 trillion and is expected to grow to $12.5 trillion by 2020. Our target customers are construction site managers, who need to ensure that their concrete is mixed accurately and quickly onsite.
A smart concrete mixer which provides an accurate and efficient way to mix concrete onsite.
MVP Features
Our minimum viable product will include features such as an automated mixing system, a touchscreen interface, and the ability to store and recall recipes for future use.
Implementation Details
We will need to acquire the necessary materials and parts to produce our concrete mixers, as well as a skilled workforce to assemble the mixers. We will also need to develop software for the touchscreen interface and automated mixing system, as well as develop marketing resources to help promote our product.
Value Proposition
Our smart concrete mixer will provide an accurate and efficient way to mix concrete onsite, reducing wastage and providing cost savings to construction site managers.
Pain Points to Solve
Accurately mixing concrete onsite, reducing wastage and inefficiencies, and providing cost savings to construction site managers.
Sales & Marketing Channels
We will use a combination of online and offline marketing channels such as trade shows, print advertising, and digital marketing. We will also have a sales team to reach out to potential customers directly.
Revenue Stream Sources
We will generate revenue from the sale of our smart concrete mixers, as well as from the sale of associated services and maintenance contracts.
Cost Structures
We will incur costs for production and distribution of the concrete mixers, as well as advertising and marketing costs. We will also incur costs for our sales team and any associated services and maintenance contracts.
Key Activities
Production and distribution of the concrete mixers, advertising and marketing, and sales and customer service.
Key Resources
We will need to acquire the necessary materials and parts to produce the concrete mixers, as well as a skilled workforce to assemble the mixers. We will also need to invest in marketing resources to help promote our product.
Key Partners
We will need to partner with suppliers and distributors to help us get our product to market. We will also need to partner with other companies in the construction industry to help us reach our target market.
Competition Landscape
The construction industry is highly competitive, with many large companies offering similar products. We will need to differentiate our product in order to stand out from the competition.
Competition Advantage
Our smart concrete mixer will provide a unique and cost-effective solution for construction site managers, allowing them to mix concrete quickly and accurately onsite.
Idea Validation Steps
We will need to conduct market research to determine the potential size of the market and the needs of our target customers. We will also need to develop prototypes of our product and test them on construction sites to ensure they meet our customers’ needs.
Potential Business Challenges
The construction industry is a highly competitive market, and we will need to differentiate our product in order to stand out from the competition. We may also face challenges in sourcing the necessary materials and parts to produce our concrete mixers.