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Savvy is a mobile-based platform that provides personalized financial advice and guidance to users to simplify the process of understanding and managing finances.

Product Type
The lack of accessible financial advice and available guidance for people who have limited financial knowledge and experience.
Market Size & User Personas
Savvy targets individuals aged 18-45 with an annual income of between $30,000-$100,000 who are looking for an easy way to learn about and manage their finances.
Savvy is a mobile-based platform that provides personalized financial advice and guidance to users. The app aims to simplify the process of understanding and managing finances, making it easier for users to make informed decisions.
MVP Features
The MVP features of Savvy will include an intuitive user interface, personalized financial advice, budgeting tools, and integrations with financial institutions.
Implementation Details
Savvy will be built using a mobile-first approach, leveraging existing technologies such as React Native and Firebase. The app will be tested with a small group of users before being released to the general public.
Value Proposition
Savvy offers users a wide range of financial advice and guidance tailored to their individual needs. It provides users with a comprehensive overview of their personal finances as well as personalized recommendations and advice.
Pain Points to Solve
The main pain points that Savvy seeks to solve are the lack of accessible financial advice and guidance, the lack of understanding of financial concepts, and the difficulty of managing finances.
Sales & Marketing Channels
Savvy will primarily use digital marketing channels such as search engine optimization, social media marketing, and content marketing to reach its target market. The app will also leverage partnerships with financial advisors and banks to increase its reach.
Revenue Stream Sources
Savvy will generate revenue from subscription fees, advertising, and partnerships with financial institutions.
Cost Structures
Savvy's cost structure will include costs for development and maintenance of the mobile app, marketing and advertising, and personnel costs.
Key Activities
The key activities of Savvy will include developing and maintaining the mobile app, marketing and advertising, and providing personalized financial advice and guidance.
Key Resources
The key resources of Savvy will include personnel, software developers, and financial advisors.
Key Partners
Savvy will partner with financial advisors and banks to provide additional services to its users.
Competition Landscape
Savvy will face competition from existing mobile financial apps such as Mint and Acorns, as well as traditional financial institutions.
Competition Advantage
Savvy's competitive advantage lies in its focus on providing personalized financial advice and guidance to users, as well as its user-friendly interface.
Idea Validation Steps
Savvy will validate its idea by conducting market research, creating a MVP, and testing the product with potential users.
Potential Business Challenges
Potential challenges for Savvy include the competitive landscape and the difficulty of acquiring users.