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Vibe Streamer

Vibe Streamer provides free access to streaming services and virtual tickets to events, making entertainment more accessible and affordable

Product Type
Lack of access to entertainment services for people who cannot afford to pay for streaming services or pay for physical tickets
Market Size & User Personas
Millennials, Gen Z, and other demographics who are looking for free access to entertainment services
Vibe Streamer provides free access to streaming services and virtual tickets to events
MVP Features
Streaming services, virtual tickets, customer support, and payment options
Implementation Details
Developing streaming services, virtual tickets, customer support, and payment options
Value Proposition
Vibe Streamer offers free access to entertainment services and virtual tickets to events, making it easier for people to access entertainment without breaking the bank
Pain Points to Solve
People who cannot afford to pay for streaming services or pay for physical tickets
Sales & Marketing Channels
Social media, website, email campaigns and search engine marketing
Revenue Stream Sources
Advertisements, sponsorships, and other forms of monetization
Cost Structures
Cost of servers, maintenance and development
Key Activities
Creating and managing streaming services, virtual tickets, and other services
Key Resources
Software and hardware resources such as servers, development tools, and customer support teams
Key Partners
Content providers, streaming services, and event organizers
Competition Landscape
Netflix, Hulu, livestreaming platforms, and other streaming services and ticketing websites
Competition Advantage
Vibe Streamer is free, making it easier and more accessible for people to access entertainment
Idea Validation Steps
Surveying potential users, conducting user testing, and collecting feedback from early adopters
Potential Business Challenges
Competition from established streaming services and ticketing websites, copyright issues, and difficulty of scaling the service