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Theatre in a Box

Theatre in a Box is a subscription service that provides an affordable and convenient way to experience theatre with friends and family at home.

Product Type
Theatre is an expensive and time consuming experience to enjoy.
Market Size & User Personas
The market is primarily people who are looking for an affordable and convenient way to experience theatre with friends and family at home.
Theatre in a Box is a subscription service that provides a box of theatre-related items that can be used to create a theatre experience in the comfort of one's home.
MVP Features
Monthly subscription, delivery of boxes, customer feedback system.
Implementation Details
Secure production partners, develop website and customer service system, create marketing and advertising campaigns.
Value Proposition
Theatre in a Box provides an affordable and convenient way to experience theatre with friends and family at home.
Pain Points to Solve
Cost and time associated with attending a theatre performance.
Sales & Marketing Channels
Social media, online advertising, word of mouth, PR.
Revenue Stream Sources
Subscription fees, advertising revenue.
Cost Structures
Costs associated with production of the boxes, shipping, and advertising.
Key Activities
Producing and shipping of the boxes, customer service, advertising and promotion.
Key Resources
Production facilities, personnel, advertising budgets.
Key Partners
Production partners, advertising partners.
Competition Landscape
There are no direct competitors offering the same service, but there are competing entertainment services.
Competition Advantage
The unique combination of theatre-related items and the convenience of having them delivered to one's home.
Idea Validation Steps
Market research, customer surveys, focus groups.
Potential Business Challenges
Securing production partners, managing customer service, responding to customer feedback.