AI Generated Business Plan

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e-Tutor is an online platform for personalized and convenient tutoring with real-time feedback

Product Type
Inability of students to get personalized and convenient tutoring
Market Size & User Personas
Students from K-12 and higher education, Parents, Tutors
An online platform for personalized and convenient tutoring
MVP Features
Secure signup/login, Search for tutors, Tutor profiles, Contact tutors, Scheduling
Implementation Details
Web application built with React, Node.js, MongoDB, AWS hosting
Value Proposition
Convenient, cost-efficient and personalized tutoring with real-time feedback
Pain Points to Solve
High cost of tutoring, Inaccessibility of tutors, Difficulty of finding relevant tutors
Sales & Marketing Channels
Search engine optimization, Social media marketing, Referral campaigns, Ad campaigns
Revenue Stream Sources
Subscription fees, Tutor commission, Advertising fees
Cost Structures
Development, Maintenance, Content creation, Advertising
Key Activities
Development, Maintenance, Marketing, Content creation, Tutor recruitment and onboarding
Key Resources
Software developers, System administrators, Content creaters, Tutors
Key Partners
Education institutions, Tutors, Content creators, Advertising platforms
Competition Landscape
Competitors in the online tutoring market
Competition Advantage
Personalized and convenient tutoring with real-time feedback
Idea Validation Steps
Surveys, interviews, focus groups
Potential Business Challenges
Attracting and retaining high-quality tutors, Finding relevant tutors