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Kinetic Workwear

Kinetic Workwear is the only construction apparel brand that offers a complete line of protective, comfortable, and adaptive clothing.

Product Type
Construction workers face a lack of apparel that is protective, comfortable, and adaptive to changing conditions.
Market Size & User Personas
Approximately 1.6 million construction workers in the US. Personas include male and female construction workers of varying ages, levels of experience, and types of construction jobs.
Kinetic Workwear is a line of apparel designed specifically for construction workers. Our apparel is protective, comfortable, and adaptive to changing conditions on the job.
MVP Features
Protective clothing that is comfortable and adaptive to changing conditions on the job.
Implementation Details
Developing prototypes of the product, conducting market research to identify potential sales channels, and launching a website and social media campaigns.
Value Proposition
Kinetic Workwear is the only construction apparel brand that offers a complete line of protective, comfortable, and adaptive clothing.
Pain Points to Solve
Construction workers need protective clothing that is comfortable and adaptive to changing conditions on the job.
Sales & Marketing Channels
E-commerce website, brick-and-mortar stores, construction industry trade shows, and social media campaigns.
Revenue Stream Sources
Retail sales of Kinetic Workwear products and licensing of the Kinetic Workwear brand.
Cost Structures
Costs include product development, inventory, advertising, and overhead.
Key Activities
Product development, marketing, sales, and customer service.
Key Resources
Designers, manufacturers, marketers, salespeople, and customer service representatives.
Key Partners
Manufacturers, retailers, and industry trade shows.
Competition Landscape
There are other brands that offer some construction apparel, but none that offer a full line of protective, comfortable, and adaptive clothing.
Competition Advantage
Kinetic Workwear is the only brand that provides a full line of protective, comfortable, and adaptive clothing for construction workers.
Idea Validation Steps
Surveying construction workers to determine their needs, conducting market research to identify potential sales channels, and developing prototypes of the product to test with potential customers.
Potential Business Challenges
Competition from existing construction apparel brands and the cost of developing and marketing a new product.