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Virtual Concert Streaming Service

Product Type
Providing an accessible, immersive, and high-quality live-streaming experience to replace or supplement the large-scale concert experience.
Market Size & User Personas
The global concert and music tour market in 2019 was estimated at US$17.9 billion, with a projected growth to US$31.8 billion by 2025. Main user personas include music fans of all ages, concert and music tour organizers, and artists.
Provide a high-quality virtual concert streaming platform with tools for artists to customize and monetize their live-concert experience, and a simple user interface for concert-goers to interact with both the artist and other music fans.
MVP Features
User authentication, artist profiles, concert scheduling, ticket and merchandise sales, live streaming tool, virtual chat platform, and payment processing.
Implementation Details
Platform will be built in HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS for maximum accessibility. Hosting will be done on an AWS cloud server, with payment processing and streaming handled by independent third-party services.
Value Proposition
Provide artists with an easy-to-use platform to produce high-quality virtual concert experiences, and give music fans an easy, affordable way to attend concerts from anywhere.
Pain Points to Solve
Make the virtual concert experience as immersive and captivating as a physical concert, while giving both artists and music fans an easy and cost-effective way to attend concerts from anywhere.
Sales & Marketing Channels
Platform will be heavily promoted through popular social media pages and with targeted online ads. Artists will be heavily incentivized to promote their own virtual concert experience to their existing fan base.
Revenue Stream Sources
Revenue will be generated primarily through ticket sales and merchandise commissions. Additional income sources may come from sponsorships and ad placements, and other subscription features.
Cost Structures
Startup costs include development, hosting, and third-party services. Maintenance costs will include customer service for users, artist support, marketing, and hosting fees.
Key Activities
Development, hosting, customer service, artist support, and marketing.
Key Resources
Software development team, customer service and artist support staff, hosting infrastructure, and marketing resources.
Key Partners
Third-party services for payment processing and streaming; sponsors, promoters, and other industry partners.
Competition Landscape
Other virtual concert streaming platforms such as Stageit, Stagepass, and Tickethorse.
Competition Advantage
We will leverage existing relationships with artists, promoters, and sponsors to create customized, immersive, and engaging virtual concert experiences with innovative features such as live chat, and unique merchandise opportunities.
Idea Validation Steps
Obtaining feedback from potential users and industry leaders; setting up a landing page for sign ups; and testing our platform with a few smaller-scale events.
Potential Business Challenges
High costs of hosting infrastructure and software development, difficulty in obtaining sponsorships, and lack of demand for virtual concerts.