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Sports On Demand

Product Type
Many sports enthusiasts don't have easy access to organized sporting activities that suit their ability or interests.
Market Size & User Personas
Athletic adults aged 18-40 who live in urban and suburban areas with nearby access to sports facilities.
Sports on Demand is a web-based platform which connects sports enthusiasts with local sports events and activities that cater to their ability and interests.
MVP Features
User friendly search, which allows users to easily find local sporting events and activities; an online booking process; notifications when new activities are available; user ratings and reviews of activities; and a payment system for any fees.
Implementation Details
The platform will be built using existing web development technologies and an active marketing & distribution plan should be developed to reach target users.
Value Proposition
Sports On Demand provides users with a convenient and easy way to find and book organized sporting activities that suit their ability and interests at locations nearby.
Pain Points to Solve
Sports On Demand solves the lack of access to organized sporting activities while providing a cost-effective and convenient solution for its users.
Sales & Marketing Channels
Social Media, Referrals, Digital Advertising, Partnerships with sports clubs and facilities.
Revenue Stream Sources
Membership fees, Commission from booking activity, Advertising revenue, Subscriptions
Cost Structures
Development & Platform hosting, Personnel costs (support, marketing, etc.), Administrative & Advisory costs, Promotional costs.
Key Activities
Product development, User acquisition & engagement, Operational & Administrative activities, Marketing & Sales.
Key Resources
Software & technology, Personnel, Intelligent data, Market intelligence, Strategic partnerships.
Key Partners
Sports clubs and facilities, Advertising & marketing agencies, Technology providers.
Competition Landscape
Other online platforms that connect users with local sporting activities.
Competition Advantage
Sports On Demand is the only platform which provides users with a customised search experience that helps them to find the perfect sporting activity to suit their ability and interests.
Idea Validation Steps
Conduct market research & competitive analysis, Identify target users & customer segments, Develop MVP, Perform usability testing, Test & analyse performance of key features, Validate pricing & revenue models.
Potential Business Challenges
Scaling to reach a large user base quickly; Ensuring a high-quality user experience; Developing an effective distribution & marketing strategy.