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Sports BallTracker

Product Type
There’s lack of accurate information about how sports balls are used in terms of performance and efficiency.
Market Size & User Personas
The primary user personas are coaches, athletes, sports scientists and sports gear manufacturers. The secondary user personas are semi-professional sports teams or sports clubs and physical education classes. The market size for this sector is around $2 billion.
Sports BallTracker is a physical device that helps capture data about a sports ball in terms of its movement, speed, angle, trajectory, etc. This data can be used to create actionable insights that will help athletes, coaches, and manufacturers alike.
MVP Features
The core features of the MVP of Sports BallTracker include the following: an embedded accelerometer to measure acceleration, a gyroscope to measure the angle and direction of the ball, Bluetooth connectivity for transferring the data, and a mobile app for visualization.
Implementation Details
The device will be installed on any sports ball like a football, basketball, baseball, etc. It will measure and track the movement and position of the ball and then transmit the data to the mobile app for further analysis.
Value Proposition
Once the device is installed, it is able to provide athletes, coaches and sports gear manufacturers with valuable and real-time data about the performance of a sports ball to help them make better decisions.
Pain Points to Solve
The main pain point that Sports BallTracker solves is the lack of accurate information about how sports balls are used in terms of performance and efficiency.
Sales & Marketing Channels
The sales and marketing channels for the product would be through direct sales to coaches and athletes, sports equipment stores, and online sales platforms.
Revenue Stream Sources
The main sources of revenue for this product are direct sales, subscription-based services, and advertisement.
Cost Structures
The cost structures include upfront costs for developing the device and mobile app and the ongoing costs associated with advertising, customer support, and other activities.
Key Activities
The key activities for this product include engineering and developing the device and mobile app, testing and verifying the product, creating advertising campaigns, and providing customer support.
Key Resources
The key resources for this product include a team of engineers and developers, funds for advertising, and customer support personnel.
Key Partners
The key partners for this product include sports ball manufacturers and sports equipment stores.
Competition Landscape
The main competitors for this product include similar products like Zepp and Playr.
Competition Advantage
The main competitive advantage of Sports BallTracker is its ability to provide real-time data about the performance of a sports ball that can be used to make better decisions.
Idea Validation Steps
The idea validation steps involve talking to potential users, conducting surveys and interviews, and research online about the current market for the product and its competitors.
Potential Business Challenges
The potential business challenges include user adoption, developing and executing efficient marketing campaigns, and managing customer relationships.