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On the Go Snack Boxes

food and drink
Product Type
Snacking is becoming increasingly popular, but convenience and health options are often limited for consumers on the go.
Market Size & User Personas
The snacking market is estimated to be $18 billion in the US alone. Our target users are health conscious adults, aged 18-45, who are always on the go or busy.
On the Go Snack Boxes are eco-friendly and convenient pre-made snack boxes that offer nutritious options for people who don’t have the time or resources to make their own.
MVP Features
The idea should have an ecommerce website with a subscription option, a packaging solution, fresh snacks, order fulfillment, and an easy-to-follow nutrition plan.
Implementation Details
We will use a third-party provider for fulfillment, source the snacks from local organic farmers, and design our own packaging.
Value Proposition
Our snack boxes offer convenience and health to our users. They are easy to purchase, use, and store with minimal preparation and no mess.
Pain Points to Solve
Our snack boxes address two key pain points: time constraints and poor health options when snacking on the go.
Sales & Marketing Channels
The main sales channel should be through our website, and we can leverage social media, influencers, and online partnerships to increase brand awareness and reach potential customers.
Revenue Stream Sources
The revenue stream will come primarily from subscription sales.
Cost Structures
We will have costs associated with packaging, marketing, shipping, and production.
Key Activities
The key activities include product development, website development and management, order fulfillment, and customer service and interaction.
Key Resources
We will need to have a website design team, a fulfillment team, and ingredients and packaging sources.
Key Partners
We should have partnerships with local organic farmers and a third-party fulfillment provider.
Competition Landscape
There are many competitors offering similar solutions in the market, such as Snacknation and NatureBox.
Competition Advantage
Our competitive advantage will be providing snacks that are fresh, organic, and tailored to the individual’s health needs.
Idea Validation Steps
We should test our idea with potential customers to determine their interest level, validate our packaging and pricing structure, and beta test a few boxes.
Potential Business Challenges
Potential challenges include production scalability, customer acquisition, and finding a reliable fulfillment partner.