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Tech Family

Product Type
Lack of general technical knowledge and literacy among Americans, leading to limited access to technology opportunities.
Market Size & User Personas
US households with an internet presence. Personas: Early tech adopters, middle-aged tech users, luddites and those without access to technology.
Tech Family is an online service to provide tailor-made technical support and tutorials to individuals and households.
MVP Features
Online tutorials and resources, 1 on 1 consultations, support tickets, resource library, tech-mentor matching system.
Implementation Details
The service will be accessible on web as well as a mobile application. Digital product subscriptions, tech consulting services, and tutoring services.
Value Proposition
Tech Family provides comprehensive technical literacy support to Americans, providing cutting-edge knowledge within reach of every person.
Pain Points to Solve
Unawareness and lack of technical understanding of concepts and ideas, hampered access to the use of technology, eliminating potential opportunities.
Sales & Marketing Channels
Content marketing, online advertisement campaigns, SEO optimization, influencer marketing, partnerships and collaborations.
Revenue Stream Sources
Subscription based services and online technical consulting.
Cost Structures
Platform development & maintenance fees, online advertisement costs, resource costs, personnel costs and fulfilment fees.
Key Activities
Platform development and maintenance, web optimization, customer relationship management, and online marketing.
Key Resources
Customer support personnel, technological resources and information, personnel to develop and maintain the platform and online advertisement.
Key Partners
Technology companies, tech influencers, educational institutions, related industry associations, etc.
Competition Landscape
Services offering free online tutorials, online coding courses, and forums for technical problems.
Competition Advantage
Tech Family provides customised solutions based on the customer's technical knowledge and needs, comprehensive technical support, and mentoring services.
Idea Validation Steps
Conduct surveys to identify user needs, create a beta version of the service, discuss MVP features with tech industry experts, gather feedback from users and industry professionals.
Potential Business Challenges
Recruiting technical expertise, convincing users of the value proposition, staying ahead of technology trends and developments.